It Might Not Be the Wheat! Part 1 – Sensitivity to Yeast

by Dr. Michael Nowazek

There is a growing awareness of the ill-effects that wheat can produce on people who are intolerant of it.  

We have found, though, that some people who believe they are sensitive to wheat are actually not – what they are reacting to is the yeast, not the wheat itself.

What is a Food Sensitivity?

It is important to know that a sensitivity is not the same as an allergy. Allergies and sensitivities are both immune system responses, but they are different.

Allergies are fairly easy to spot because the reaction of the immune system is immediately apparent.  The immune system produces Immunoglobulin E (IgE) in response to ingesting a food to which one is allergic.  Allergic reactions can include such conditions as respiratory distress or hives.  

This is not the case with a food sensitivity.  The reactions to ingesting foods to which one is sensitive develop over time and create a delayed response.  The antibody that the immune system dispatches in response to eating a food to which one is sensitive is Immunoglobulin G (IgG).  

Eating foods to which one is sensitive can cause health problems including inflammation, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, and many others, some of which can become quite severe.  

Those with sensitivities to some foods are wise to eliminate them from their diets.  Of course, in order to do this, they have to know which foods they are reacting to.

Because food sensitivities cause reactions that may take hours, days, or even longer to manifest, food sensitivities are much harder to spot than allergies. That is why food sensitivity testing is important.

It Could be the Yeast

Wheat is certainly a trigger for sensitivity reactions in some people.  What is sometimes overlooked, however, is that it may not be the wheat that they are reacting to but the yeast that is in bread and other wheat-containing foods and beverages.  

Food sensitivity testing reveals that some people who thought they were reacting to wheat actually aren’t.  What they are reacting to is yeast and an overabundance of yeast in the bowel.

Yeast is Good in Moderation

Yeast is not inherently bad.  In fact, we are supposed to have a certain amount of yeast in the bowel to help with digestion of carbohydrates and starches.  The difficulty with yeast occurs when there is so much of it present that it overwhelms the good bacteria in the bowel and creates an imbalance between the two.

When the yeast is present in such large quantities as to overpower the good bacteria, the yeast is allowed to flourish and propagate out of proportion.  As a result, health issues will develop.

Sources of Yeast

Yeast is used in food and beverage production as a fermenting agent or a preservative and will be found in most packaged foods.

Yeast is present in bread and other baked goods, but it is also present in many other foods, some of which you might not have suspected.  A partial list is:

  • Processed meats
  • Dried fruits
  • Processed fruit juices
  • Condiments
  • Gravy and stock cubes

Yeast also has other names in food ingredient labels such as “hydrolysed protein”, “hydrolysed vegetable protein” and “leavening”.

Alcohol deserves special mention as being the single most common source of excess yeast in the body.  Yeast is used as a fermenting agent in the making of many types of alcohol, so it is a bountiful source of yeast.  

There are also some medications such as antibiotics that can contribute to a yeast overgrowth.  Antibiotics are designed to kill certain specific bacteria. While antibiotics may be appropriate for some severe and acute conditions, they cannot distinguish between “bad bacteria” and “good bacteria”.  Antibiotics will not only kill the target bad bacteria, it will also kill the good bacteria in the bowel which allows the yeast free rein to grow.  

Other medications that may promote yeast growth are birth control pills and hormone pills, often prescribed for contraception, menstrual and menopausal symptoms.  The medications themselves do not contain yeast but they do create an environment that promotes yeast growth.

What an Overabundance of Yeast Does

Yeast produces, among other things, carbon dioxide (which is simply GAS!).  Have you ever had a bloated, gassy feeling? It’s very uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing.  That could be caused by an excess of yeast in the digestive tract.

Yeast also produces metabolic waste in the form of alcohol and estrogen creating, among other things, brain fog, low energy, hormone imbalances, adrenal problems, thyroid problems, weight gain, and respiratory problems.  Excess yeast also has a harmful effect on the immune system which can manifest as recurring colds, flus, and infections.

A superabundance of yeast is not the only source of these health issues, but it is certainly something that should be taken into consideration when addressing them.

Testing and Treatment

Be sure to read part 2 of It Might Not Be the Wheat where we discuss testing for sensitivity to yeast and treatment protocols.

There are many factors to consider to safely and effectively remove excess yeast from the body.  Tailoring a customized program is best done in consultation with a qualified healthcare practitioner.

The doctors at Green Apple Health Care are highly trained and experienced in providing safe and natural treatments to resolve excess yeast and restore you to good health.

Call us now at (780) 485-9468 to book a consultation.  If you prefer, online booking is available for both new patients and repeat patients.

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Dr. Michael Nowazek

Dr. Michael Nowazek is the Clinical Director of Green Apple Health Care. He brings a wealth of knowledge from his extensive training and his many years experience as a naturopathic doctor.

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